Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Dear baby J,

With only six weeks left until your arrival, I am finding myself daydreaming of you daily. I often think about you and your brother and the bond you two will have, and how incredible it will be to watch. I imagine what your sweet little face will look like, the sound of your cry and what color those eyes will be.

I'm trying to prepare myself for what it will be like when you are here, how I will adjust to being a mama of two. Then I realize I cannot prepare myself for anything, you will come into this world on your own terms, we will love you unconditionally and provide for you always. It's as simple as that.

Our family feels so complete with you in it now, like this was the way it was always supposed to be. No amount of planning or wishing or hoping could ever change it - I feel as though this was my path all along. To raise two healthy, beautiful, strong and compassionate boys. To teach them how to always see the beauty in everything, to step back every once and awhile and count their lucky stars, and above all else, how to love with everything they have. These are my hopes and dreams for you.

Life is beautiful, and now that you are about to complete our family, this is a constant reminder. And for that, I'm thankful.

Can't wait to meet you.

Love always and forever,
your mama.